College Fit Counseling is hosting a two-day workshop for rising seniors this summer. Students will get a jump start on their college applications before senior year even begins! The focus during these two days will be on helping students finalize their college lists, begin their college essays, and complete their first college applications.

Here is what you need to know:

  • August 1 & 2

  • 9:00 am-11:30 am both days

  • The Peak Community & Wellness Center in Littleton, CO

  • $250 per student

Topics to be covered include:

  • Researching Colleges & Finding the Right Fit

  • Finalizing the College List

  • The Common Application

  • Essay Writing Overview

  • Essay editing

  • Resume Writing/Activities List

  • Letters of Recommendation

  • Admissions Interviews

  • The Financial Aspect of College

Call us at 773-807-4079 or email if you have any questions or concerns.

Our College App Camp will not be taking place this year. If you are interested in learning about individualized App Camp options, please complete the form below...