Based in Littleton, Colorado, we work with clients throughout the Denver-metro area (as well as out-of-state). We help students and families navigate the entire college search and selection process from start to finish.
Prioritize your needs, wants, and values
Widen your perspective on college options
Excel in high school and on tests
Make your list of colleges
Complete and refine your college application
Athletes navigate the NCAA/NAIA process
Write authentic and effective essays
Search and apply for scholarships
Make the most of college visits and tours
Evaluate offers of admission
Choose the PERFECT FIT college!
Prepare for success in your first year
Comprehensive packages are based upon current year in school and include unlimited face-to-face meetings, phone calls, texts and emails. Every student moves through this process at a different pace, focusing time in different areas …we have specific goals for the student to hit at the end of each year, but getting there can look different for each student.
Hourly consults are available in the following areas:
General college/application overview
Starting your college search/creating your focus/finding your fit
Making the most of college fairs & visits
Resume writing & your stand-out factor
General college/application overview
Essay writing basics
Essay writing review/editing session (could be more than one session)
Scholarship and financial aid basics
Skype meetings and conference calls are also available for students/families residing outside of Colorado.
Contact us at for up-to-date prices on both comprehensive packages and hourly consultation.
“From day one when you sat down in our dining room and worked through her high school schedule through the entire process, we know we made the right choice. I am always talking with other parents about how much your services have helped us through this process.”